AZ guard card class! Start working as a security officer
You MUST have an AZ guard card to work in the state of AZ as a security officer.
Once you get your guard card, it must be on your person at all times while on duty as a security officer.
We have that class to get you working as a security officer.
Per the State of Arizona through the AZ DPS- You must take and pass an 8 hour unarmed guard card class with a Lic and approved company and Lic trainer.
The class is 8 hours, and we will not only teach you the laws, rules of being a security officer in AZ, but give you additional training and information to becoming a security officer.
NOTE Classes are broken down into 2 days, 4 hours each day.
We are fully lic and our instructors are approved and lic.
You must take the 8 hour class, submit fingerprints and a back ground check through the state and FBI. You can not have any felonies. You must have a clean record and background.
Do check the AZ DPS Lic website for more information about misdemeanors or questions you may have about your background. It is up to the AZ STATE DPS to give you a lic.
The security guard card is good for 2 years and must be renewed every 2 years. The price to the AZ DPS is 72.00 every 2 years plus renewing your guard.
You must submit the paperwork, a color copy of your drivers lic or ID, 2 passport photos and fingerprints.
Our class is 60.00 we can get you printed and photos too. You take the class, pass and we sign off on your paperwork for the AZ DPS.
You must pick a class time and date below, pre pay to hold your seat as class our limited. If you do not come to your class date and time, as in missed it, there are no refunds.
It can take 2-3 weeks to receive your guard card and start working due to, back ground checks, fingerprint checks and the other state guidelines the AZ DPS checks so you can receive a lic. That has nothing to do with us, that is the state.
We are providing the approved AZ state class to be able to obtain your security guard card.
Our class is 60.00 and is pre -paid through Zelle once you book your seat. It is nonrefundable if you miss your class time.
Classes are held 2 days- 4 hours each day to complete the 8 hours course. Class times start at 4pm and go to 8pm. If you book a Monday, the classes will be Monday and Tuesday at 4pm.
Classes are held in Chandler AZ. Address will be sent at time of booking -payment received to hold your seat.
We will have some Sat classes that are 8 hours, please check below.
We use the Zelle app for payment.
NOTE - classes- dress for success- no shorts or flip flops.
Do bring water, bev to drink, pen and note book. No phones in use during class.
Copyright © 2017-2025 Beyond Security LLC -Scottsdale AZ - All Rights Reserved.
Arizona security guard company
Beyond Security-Beyond Expectations.
Beyond Security provides security officers, security guards.
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Beyond Security LLC
Best protection- Security staff, Security officers, unarmed security guards in AZ
Certified through the city of Phoenix for DBE & SBE on AZ DOT and
Fully licensed through the AZ DPS and insured
Beyond Security LLC
9375 E Shea Blvd
Scottsdale AZ 85260
We are a Christ based business
Jesus is King
Your Arizona Security Pros!